What Their Insurance Company Doesn't Want You Know About Hiring a Car Accident Attorney

What Their Insurance Company Doesn't Want You Know About Hiring a Car Accident Attorney
What Their Insurance Company Doesn't Want You Know About Hiring a Car Accident Attorney

Most Americans pay a steep fee every month to know that their insurance company is standing behind them in case of an accident, and because they pay this premium they believe that they are protected if something happens. The question, then, is that if most drivers have an insurance company standing behind them to protect their rights and see to the needs of the victim in case of an accident, why would anyone need a car accident attorney?

The blunt truth is that most insurance companies will assure an accident victim following an incident in which their driver is responsible that there is no need to contact a car accident attorney. The insurance company will take care of their needs, including their medical bills, property damage and a percentage of their lost wages with no problems. There's no need to open the door to a long, protracted legal battle that may or may not yield the results you are hoping for.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have heard this line from your insurance company or the insurance company of another driver with whom you were involved in an accident you are being deliberately led astray. Insurance companies don't want you to hire a professional car accident attorney, and it's not because they want to save you any legal expenses. Insurance companies know that if an accident victim has a car accident attorney on their side they're going to be more likely to receive the settlement they're entitled to rather than the bare minimum in compensation supplied by most insurance agencies.

If you are injured in an accident for which you were not at fault, the other person's insurance company will reimburse you for:

o Most or all of the medical expenses that they deem to be necessary for your recover
o Rehabilitative therapy that they deem necessary for your recovery
o A percentage of your lost wages that they determine resulted from your injury
o Damages to your vehicle that their claims adjuster determines to be the result of the accident

Are you beginning to see a trend here? When you depend on an insurance company for compensation following an accident you're going to have to depend on their honesty and sense of honor in ensuring that their needs are met-and you can rest assured that their first concern is their bottom line, not your well being.

Insurance companies like to pay the bare minimum, and they're very good at determining what that minimum happens to be. Any insurance settlement you receive is going to cover most of your direct medical expenses and therapy, as well as damages to your vehicle. Items such as prescription drug co-pays, plastic surgery, late-stage therapy, experimental treatments, in-home care, child care (while you are unable to care for your family) and a majority of your lost wages will still be your responsibility.

A good car accident attorney, on the other hand, will fight for your right to complete compensation for these expenses, as well as a little extra for your pain and suffering to help you move on into the future. The insurance companies know a car accident attorney is going to make them pay, and they don't want to do it.

That's why they're hoping you never find out.

For more information about all types of injuries, accidents, and wrongful death lawsuits visit the Injury Lawyer Group.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ray_G._Subs/268823

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1493198
