Three Reasons You Need A Car Accident Attorney

Three Reasons You Need A Car Accident Attorney
Three Reasons You Need A Car Accident Attorney

With over 250 million registered vehicles on U.S. roads, accidents are bound to happen. And when we say accidents, we mean about 10 million of them each year! The good news is that much safer vehicles have resulted in a decline in traffic fatalities in recent years. Traffic injuries, on the other hand, have not declined. More than two million Americans are hurt in car crashes each year. Injuries range from minor cuts and contusions to far more serious medical issues.

Because they are so common, most drivers assume that auto accident issues pretty much take care of themselves. While that may be true when both drivers emerge from their vehicles unscathed, it certainly isn't the case if you are hurt in a collision that was not your fault. As the victim, here are three good reasons you should always have a car accident attorney on your side.

1. Insurance Companies Play Hardball

If every insurance company paid the full amount on every claim they received, they'd all be out of business. With millions of collisions every year, auto insurance carriers are only able to turn a profit by paying out less than the requested amount. As such, negotiation is an important part of the settlement process. Because they would rather negotiate with inexperienced drivers than licensed attorneys, insurance companies typically try to make a deal as soon as possible after an accident. In most cases, they will offer you pennies on the dollar to cover your medical expenses and lost wages from work. As for your pain and suffering, carriers rarely agree to pay anything unless the threat of a lawsuit is real and imminent. Not surprisingly, hiring a car accident attorney is often the only way to get their attention and respect.

2. Proving Liability Isn't Always Easy

Even if the other driver took responsibility for the collision, proving he/she should pay for your injuries is another issue. You must establish negligence to demonstrate that the crash could have been avoided if not for his/her failure to take proper care. Even during the negotiating process, lawyers for the insurer will play with legal terms and concepts like negligence in order to convince you your case is weaker than you believe. An experienced car accident attorney can prevent such shenanigans and give you the advantage you need.

3. You Don't Have Long To Sue

In order to prevent overcrowding in the courts, most states have put firm time limits on car crash suits. In most jurisdictions, the injured party has only a year or two to sue for damages. That might seem like a lot of time, but if you're dealing with an insurance company on your own, it could go by before you know it. An experienced personal injury lawyer is well aware of all the dilatory tactics these companies play to delay a time-sensitive suit. He or she can help negotiate a settlement or sue for damages long before the statute of limitations expires.

If you have been hurt in a collision that was not your fault, a car accident attorney can help you get the money you deserve.

When searching for a New Orleans car accident attorney, residents consult the Law Offices of Tim L. Fields. To learn more, visit

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